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Art Stories

Yinka Shonibare CBE RA about his current exhibition

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Art Stories

The artist Not Vital gives an insight into his exhibition IR at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg.

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How do artists address the issues of racism, xenophobia and oppression?


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Experience our current exhibition at Rupertinum This World Is White No Longer. Views of a Decentered World in 360°.

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Art Stories

Experience our current exhibition Not Vital. IR in 360°.

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Art Stories

Two new figures have moved into the Museum der Moderne Salzburg - Arty and Rupi! Our art educator Cristina Struber has brought the two characters to…

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Art Stories

"In 2020 I will do more sport." "This year I will eat healthier." "This year I will do my taxes at the beginning of the year." – Does this sound…

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Art Stories

Der unbekannte Museumsalltag wird für die Besucher enthüllt.

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Art Stories

Ein spannendes Q&A, welches interessante Information zu den Ausstelungen aber auch einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen bietet.

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