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[Translate to English:] Ausstellungseröffnung: Nika Neelova. Cascade

10.04.2025 | 19:00 — 20:30
Nika Neelova, Burning Meteors Leave no Dust, 2013, cast concrete, Courtesy the artist, © Nika Neelova / Vigo Gallery

Warm invitation to the exhibition opening.

Nika Neelova plays in the exhibition Nika Neelova. Cascade with time: her sculptures made from found materials appear as artifacts from both the past and the future. In her first institutional exhibition in Austria, her works engage in dialogue with pieces by Isa Genzken, Maria Bartuszová, Marisa Merz, Hans Haacke, Heinz Frank, and more.

Thursday | 10.04.2025 | 19:00 — 20:30

Free entry!

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