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Cameron Jamie. Shaking Traces

01.10.2022 — 05.02.2023
Old Town (Rupertinum)

Curator: Tina Teufel

01.10.2022 — 05.02.2023
Old Town (Rupertinum)

Curator: Tina Teufel


With his works on paper, his artist’s books, sculptures, photographs, performances, and films, Cameron Jamie (Los Angeles, CA, US, 1969 — Paris, FR) has for some thirty years been exploring identity, psychological and physical transformations of the self, and correspondences between humans and nature. In his work, the boundaries between the representational and the abstract become blurred.

Jamie’s free-form drawing process and his constant acts of drawing with his pen form the foundation of his entire oeuvre, together with his inquiry of intuition, chance, layering, destruction, and rebuilding of the images in his line works. This exhibition therefore focuses for the first time on the crossroads of these specific artistic mediums — drawings, monotypes, lithographs, and drawings on ceramic clay — and on his diary-like self-published artist’s books. It reveals his method of working in layers using ink, pencil, oil and pastel colors, washes, glaze, and even coffee for his materials, as well as Jamie’s openness to chance in his close collaboration with the material itself.

An artist’s book was published to accompany the exhibition. It can be purchased at our museumshop or onlineshop.


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